Larry Weishuhn an Outdoor Legend

Legendary outdoorsman Larry Weishuhn has carved out an illustrious career as an author, outdoor writer, blogger, and host of podcasts and TV shows. Known for his deep expertise and engaging storytelling, Larry has become a trusted voice in the hunting community. This year alone, he has added to his impressive body of work by authoring three new books this year, each offering rich insights into the world of hunting. Through his writing and multimedia presence, Larry continues to inspire and educate hunters around the globe. Larry Weishuhn’s passion for deer hunting is evident in his extensive body of work. His latest books delve into the intricacies of deer behavior, habitat management, and the strategies that have made him a celebrated figure in the hunting world. His expertise helps both novice and experienced hunters improve their skills and deepen their appreciation for the sport. Larry's writings are not just instructional but also reflective, capturing the essence of the outdoor experience and the deep connection between hunter and nature. In addition to deer hunting, Larry Weishuhn has also turned his attention to hog hunting, a pursuit that has grown in popularity in recent years. His books and blogs provide valuable tips on tracking and harvesting hogs, addressing the unique challenges and rewards of this type of hunting. Larry’s thorough approach ensures hunters are well-prepared, promoting ethical hunting practices and effective population control. His multimedia content, including podcasts and TV shows, brings these insights to life, offering practical advice and captivating stories from the field. Over the past 15 years, the world of hunting has seen significant advancements, and Larry Weishuhn has been at the forefront of this evolution. Modern technology, such as advanced optics, GPS tracking, and improved firearms, has enhanced hunting techniques and safety. Larry's work highlights these advancements, helping hunters stay updated with the latest tools and methods. His commitment to blending tradition with innovation ensures that hunting remains a dynamic and sustainable activity. Through his books, media presence, and personal engagement with the hunting community, Larry Weishuhn continues to shape and celebrate the ever-evolving landscape of outdoor sports. Https://

Mike Arnold- Conservation Africa

Wildlife Biologist, Mike Arnold speaks to us about his conservation work that he has recently completed in Africa. We also discuss his upcoming trip to Mozambique where Mike and his team will go on a green hunt to dart a rhino. They will collect important DNA samples and set the rhino free back into the wild. Join us as we follow along with Mike Arnold-Conservation Africa. Mike Arnold is also the Author of Bringing Back the Lions. you can find a copy of his book on his website below

Mike Arnold- Bringing Back the Lions

Mike Arnold writes about international hunters, local tribespeople and the miraculous rescue of a doomed ecosystem in Mozambique in his new book, Bringing Back the Lions. If you care about animal conservation as well as their habitat, you must hear what Mike has to say.

Words of Wisdom from Larry Weishuhn

Larry Weishuhn speaks to American Outdoor News about his career as a wildlife biologist and as an outdoor writer. Larry shares some of his experience and wisdom with the next generation about how they can contribute and be successful in the outdoor industry. For more information go to or email us at