Chris Dorsey Outdoors, TV & the NRA

Chris Dorsey is a man of many talents. He is a hunter, fisherman and adventurer. He is an editor, outdoor writer and television producer of many popular shows that air on the history channel, DYI, the outdoor channel and many more. Chris speaks to American Outdoor News about the outdoors, TV and the future of the NRA.

Outdoor Lifestyle with Mia Anstine

Mia Anstine is a great Ambassador for our Outdoor Lifestyle. She is an outdoor writer, podcast host, Safari Club International Board member, DC Project Delegate and more. We discuss, hunting, gun rights and life in the outdoors.

Talking about 2A with the National Association for Gun Rights

Chris Avena from American Outdoor News Speaks with Chris Stone from the National Association for Hunt Rights about the Second Amendment and the most recent gun legislation that has been presented by the left. http://www.NationalGunRights.Org Facebook Instagram Twitter Blubrry Website

4 Play Turkey Calls & Determinator Effective Range Targets

In this episode of American Outdoor News Podcast we are speaking with Eric Steinmetz and Brian Benolken of Cutting Edge Game Calls where we discuss how Eric developed the 4 Play Turkey Call. We will also be speaking with David Howard of Determinator Effective Range Targets about how you can improve your long range shooting and find your effective shooting range by using his targets.